Quote Originally Posted by PatSea View Post
Why do you use inline weights for harnesses and not snap on weights like used with stick baits? Will snap on weights work with harnesses?
Patsea, I do believe you can reference snap weights as inlines as well with the snap weights you might be able to target the fishing a bit more precise, I utilize both, its whatever pleases the fishes palate I guess..... still Julia did not answer my question on the inlines, did she use and inline 1 oz with a 4ft lead and then put the line out 31/41 or then apply the 1oz snap weight, its confusing as to where the 1oz weight was applied in the line to target that 20ft of water in 29ft depths. Wakina's explanation did not address my question to Julia, that was a basic overview of bottom bouncing/ using inlines and the pros and cons.