Quote Originally Posted by miso_ohio View Post
I hear more of the tadpoles talked bout on the message-boards after the fact, not sure if they talk on a different channel then I listen or if I just miss the reports. If more reports where given with them on the lake, people would be more inclined to purchase and use them.
I find that the larger charter boats, like Pooh and Budman, are usually running the TT's Jets with spoons, while us smaller charters are using the Tadpoles and spinners.

If you were out last weekend, you would have heard the word Tadpoles a lot on the radio (79) north side of Kelly's. Gary Zart was reporting all day long, both Saturday and Sunday, on what distance back and what color blades were working best to catch fish, and I was too, along with another boat Gary was working with. Gary was also running dipsies off his corners on the 3 setting at 35 back, but they weren't doing as well as the Tads off the boards last weekend though.

When we're catching we're reporting to help others who might be struggling. We don't talk in code like some other boats do. Those guys crack me up.