I guess where I am confused is what defines caughting a fish....is it the act of the hooking the fish.....or is it actually the reeling the fishing and bringing it on board.........or is it the combination of both? Cause if I have my 4 and I hook one can I hand it off to let someone else bring the fish in? I don’t see this being any different as in trolling....because the person reeling the fish in is not the person who hooked the fish. I AM ALL FOR DNR DOING THEIR JOB, HELPING TO PROTECT OUT GREAT WATERS SO THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF FISH FOR US ALL THE ENJOY FOR MANY YEARS I would be heartbroken if my children and nieces and nephews could not have the chance to enjoy these waters as I have over my years of growing up on the lake.

I really don’t see the actual big picture difference if 3 ppl get 4 fish each for a total of 12 or if 2 ppl get 5 and the third gets 2 its still 12 fish. But rules are the rules and I will follow them....

also when it comes to fun fishing which I do not do, how can if I have 4 fish for me on board can I be allowed to have that 5th fish on board at all. even if I turn it back loose, for those few minutes I would had technically brought my 5th fish out of the water which by the way this rule sounds like it is going to be enforced I would had broken it?

I know stuff like this has the potential to really put a strain on the sport charter services, and I think a very clear explanation and definition to the rule and what is considered caughting a fish should be in place before the DNR starts handing out tickets for this.

I understand the need for the rules, just would like a very clear explantion of them. I feel most of us want to follow the rules, but hard to follow when there is not clear explanation of them

I know me like alot of other ppl spent alot of money here in the area to enjoy out sport and hobby. I never have really added it up before, but I know I spend well over 5000 a year in fishing, boating, boat repairs and maintance, upgrades, gas, insurance, safety equipment, etc. And I know there are ppl who spend alot more than I do, this money does help boost the local economy. And i am not out to take take more than allowed and risk being part of the problem that help damage or distroys the water so that i would not be able to use all i have invested into. I know that if I got a ticket it would definatly make me think twice about partaking so much in the fishing side of things....is the few hundred extra dollars from ticket worth loosing the more extra money that spent each year on the other things.