Met up with Getting Jiggy and a couple of other friends to try our luck in Canada. Met at the boat at 7am. Made it to Pelee, checked in and picked up licenses and headed out to find fish. Tried the Wagon Wheel- nothing, then went to leamington- nothing and we finally made the decision to run to Wheatley to try Steelies. 5 minutes after our set, Fish on. We scoured the water for a couple of hours after that and picked up and eye, but no more steel. I had a few fuel line problems so we ran in before we had the chance to try smallies and eyes on the East side of Pelee. I knew it was early for steel, but had to try. It is only a week or 2 away from busting loose over there. I made a good friend In Getting Jiggy and had a nice "Tour de Canada". We will get over there again and post a video of our slammer. I think he might just be hooked after feeling the power of the steelhead and watching it surge to the surface.