We started West of Rattlesnake island on the fringe of the pack of boats. Minimal marks and only boated 1 throwback in an hour. Wind was stronger than we thought it would be and after dodging several drifting boats and other trollers, picked up and headed to the East side of Middle Bass (we did not see any walleye netted during our time West). Marked some decent fish East of Ballast and trolled North towards the border. Ended with 5 decent Walleye after a few hours. 2 throwbacks and 2 more lost on way in. Only saw a few fish netted out of all boats working the area. Ran bandits and spoons at all depths and varied speed between 1.8-2.6 mph. Could barely see props on my outboards. Radio chatter indicated some were catching limits high in the water column. Not us.

Baha 299