The ODNR looks really bad on this decision.A 10 perch limit...really.Might as well close down anyone from keeping perch in central basin.What do 10 perch weigh,3 or 4 pounds and like 1.5lbs of filets.Hardly anybody has been targeting perch in central basin for several years now.Reducing limit to 10 is hardly going to change the amount of perch caught by sportsmen from previous few years.The ODNR also said last year that there are plenty of yellow perch in Erie,but the fish have changed their diet to water flees.The sportsman just need to learn new tactics to catch them.Lol...yeah right.Does the ODNR have the authority to limit or close the commercial harvest of perch?I'm not sure,but whoever does, should have closed the commercial perch harvest in central basin the last few years.The commercial netters should also have a closed season in the central basin now since essentially the sportsmen have a closed season to perch.Hope the central basin perch don't end up like the blue pike.