Quote Originally Posted by rickerd View Post
People who don't have a great day, don't usually post it. I was out Saturday morning driving through the armada of 150 boats north of CIC can and east to mouse. I spent half an hour driving around looking for good marks of fish. NADA. I also looked at every boat we went by with my 2 crew. Only saw 1 perch raised. I then bounced over to Round reef to look for walleye on the rocks. caught a few just unders and other fish plus two 11 inch yellow perch drifting and casting. We couldn't get emeralds, only goldies and also had redworms, nightcrawlers, frozen mix of shiners. We stopped at 6 places for 15-20 minutes each and couldn't get any perch going. Even the 4 headboats we fished by and went by didn't have any perch lifted that we saw. Its not the bonanza everyone makes it out to be. The best reports might show up but you are never going to get a true sampling of everyone.

Its the opposite of the Mass Media. They only report the gloom and horror about anything. Or like the Independent voters, you never know who they are going to vote for until the ballots are counted.

Fishing persons are the eternal optimists. We need more people learning to fish and enjoy their friends and family on the water.
I had the same day. Started in the pack north of Catawba, scouted the whole way west of the green can and marked a whole lot of nothing for the most part. Saw not one fish go overboard in all the boats we passed. Found one spot with a few marks and stopped there for 20 minutes or so. Got nothing, so I made the big move to G can. Couldn't figure out why all the boats were there when I was still marking nothing and seeing no catching. Finally found a few marks and setup there for about an hour with no luck. Headed back towards Catawba and was going to try Starve when I saw a headboat in the general vicinity of Clinton Reef. Had a few marks there and picked up a whopping 1 fish. Called it at about 1 since the wind was starting to kick up.