We launched at Mazurik at 6 am and headed north of Kelley’s and set up 12 bandits 55 to 75 back Chrome and blue or purple at 2.0 to 2.3 and we had fish on in short order. We got them their 6 man limit of very nice walleye by 11:30 including this first walleye for this young fellow. Headed back in and filleted them up and sent them home for a big family fish fry. They booked another trip with me in September. Can’t wait to fish with them again. Fun crew.
Saturday 6/20 6 man trip Ohio crew-ae4b138b-58ca-4474-9cba-b0025180c06f-jpgSaturday 6/20 6 man trip Ohio crew-ea351823-93ce-4065-9988-cef432ab6835-jpgSaturday 6/20 6 man trip Ohio crew-61362b7e-416f-4914-acde-6a9cd033cc2a-jpg