Headed for AME shoal out of East Harbor and stopped about 1.5 miles out when we started seeing marks and a few boats drift fishing. Started casting gold and perch colored weapons and quickly caught 10 Walleye-all throw backs. Moved a few times further North but only a few junk fish and 2 more short walleye. Moved North of AME shoal and started trolling. 4 lines out: 3 with bandits on boards and one 40 jet diver straight back with a perch stinger spoon. Trolled between Kellys and the Mounument on SB. Two man limit 16-20 inch fish in about 2 hours. Chrome bandit caught most followed by a mostly Purple bandit (sorry dont know the names I am new to trolling especially with bandits). 60-70 back at 2.3 mph. Just want to say thanks to all the fishermen that post information on this site and especially to those that have answered my questions.
