last year this is where we fished most of the time and got limits fishing either my boat or friends we stayed in close 16 -20 ft but mostly 16 ft this year they have been close cleaners told me yesterday that 1 day like 10 days ago they got 300 pounds of yellow perch come in from the pier at metzgers marsh or wards canal same place and that was just the fish that people bring them the pier was loaded with people says that they slowed down since then but yesterday they got limits from 13 ft of water and just off wards down to intake seen lots of boats there assumed they were walleye fishing at the rate of all the short fish i think alot of people will be switching we did try it in 16 ft of water we got fish half a limit 5 guys and then took kids out with wife and got a few but had 3 grandkids and lots of baiting hooks left me little time to fish but i personally caught around 25 with goldies i hope we get plenty of shiners this year 2 days walleye fishing i went through 15 dozen worms and that was trolling was running some homemade worm burners and some homemade harnesses and some j7s and a few bandits we been very busy reeling and setting lines 3-4 guys controlling poles 1 driving boat which is me with all them fish i did not catch 1 but 12 year old grand son is hooked do not know how many he caught but he was happy and know its all he can talk about which i think is cool