I know almost everyone here wants to know the answer to "where are the walleye and why." I will say this: The Western Basin of Lake Erie is not that big from the perspective of a walleye. They can swim a long distance in just a few hours just casually swimming along. So just because an area is hot for a few days or a week doesn't mean that's where all the walleye are. There are more there, but it's mostly that they are actively feeding. Just because you don't catch any doesn't mean they aren't there. They "turn on, turn off" as they will and we just don't understand much about why. Or at least those who may know have a case of walleye "lock jaw" about it. :-) The walleye population is very dynamic and very widespread. We don't understand a lot about their behavior, at least compared to what we don't know. They are never 'all in one place.' The key is finding an area that is holding fish and figuring out how to catch them that day. Sometime the "bite" lasts, sometimes it doesn't. If it isn't happening today it will soon. You just get out when you can and hope you hit it on a good day.