Thanks for the replies.
Sorry jack as i was not specific. I honestly wasnt even sure how to ask the question correctly so people would understand what i wanted. I will check out the link later when the kids are asleep.

Wakina, those look great! I most likely will mimic your style if i ever make my own.

I'm sure the link jack posted covers all my questions but just in case it doesnt....
Short leaders for casting? Long leaders for trolling? How long would you recommend for each type of fishing? Drifting, casting, trolling etc. And when you say 60" leader, you are tying your harness to 60" of "something" and the rod end is attached to another swivel?

Cant use pool noodles as they are all currently in the bottom of my boat to replace the waterlogged foam. Little boat (16 ft bass boat) getting some much needed TLC