In regards to boating on Lake Erie, the more we know, the more we realize how little we know. Many people who have boated their entire lives find themselves in trouble on Lake Erie. You are wise for asking questions, and feel free to do so. BobR is right, maybe came across wrong, but none the less right in saying that it is best to respect the Lake and the best way to do that is to not be overconfident. My grandfather (turned 96 today) was a tool & die maker in Toledo his entire career life. He always told me that the most dangerous piece of equipment in the shop was the one that was feared the least! Don't lose a healthy fear of Lake Erie, but don't be stressed and on edge... Respect her!

Channel 79 is always good as others have said. Get a tow insurance rider on your boat policy at a minimum! When in the Western Basin the tow company, Rescue Marine, monitors 79 as well. If you aren't a member plan on spending $500-750 on a tow at the time of service and then get reimbursed by your insurance company (usually how it works). I'd love to say that if you call out on the radio and want towed in that people will stop fishing and come to where you are and take the day off and tow you in... However, typically that doesn't happen when you don't have established friends on the water. Most people simply won't answer the radio if it isn't an emergency. If someone is in danger then every boat on the water will descend on your location... If you simply can't get you outboard running... Well, they will probably not respond. My brother blew an engine on the 30' Sportcraft he was in coming back from Put-In Bay. He called me and I was out on the water, but I was at the Weather Bouy 23 miles away. Even though we had both boats at the same marina, I couldn't help him. I had 5 guys fishing for another 5-6 hours and was an hour away. I love my brother, but he wasn't in any danger. Just stuck... He paid over $500 to get towed in. Now, I would have gladly towed him in when I was done fishing and made the hour drive over to him if he wanted to wait...

I am not saying that people won't help. I am saying that it isn't a good idea to count on that happening if your engine dies. You need a jump... you'll probably get one. You need something simple that someone can bring you and then get back to fishing, that will probably work out. If you need someone to end their day of fishing and 4-5 other guys too that just drove 6 hours to go out, then that probably won't happen. Most boats will stop and help a distressed boat if they are on their way in and done for the day. Almost any boat, and I'd bet anyone in this forum would drop what they are doing and rescue someone in trouble if they are in danger. Just being honest.

-Matt Gaiser