Lineman49 is half right Kishels is a fish scent and attractant and it does work quite well I'll add . I used it my first time 3 yrs ago and did my own playing around with it like using it on one side of the boat rigged identically to the other and perch fishing I used it on the boat when no one else did and caught perch like crazy while the others didn't . I'll admit there are days fish will aggressively strike but when the bite is tough I'll out fish most using the Kishels on my baits . It only takes a little bit I use a couple drops on the bait that's it. I've used it casting with equal results but the fact I'm more into trolling it really works great For me in that application. The people I know who also always fish using the fish scent also tend to have higher catch rates. It just adds that extra edge. Without the broken legs though. LOL.