I use the light during the day.

When I was a kid back in the mid to 50's my Dad would put 2 jugs down while perch fishing. One jug was like a 1 gallon cider jug filled with water and a 1/2 dozen shiners or so. The other jug would be a large type mason jar weighted and sealed with a lantern type flash light in it, the light was one of those that shown in circular direction. He would leave both down to the bottom and then raise them just enough to get the line to the jug tight.

We saw that first on TV, I believe it was Lowell Thomas or Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, I am not sure which but they were using this set up in brackish water or salt water to draw fish into the area so they could film them. The fish were really aggressive in their attempt to get at the bait fish in the jug and they would swim up and look at the light at close range. So that is where I got the idea from, it is not an original idea just a variation.

Light penetration from above (the sun) with all of the algae this year has been reduced so I thought I would give this a try. Perch are curious and are attracted to noise so why not light? I am not saying that it works all of the time or even at all for that matter. But it is my opinion that it has helped me on most occasions.