Left work early friday morning and headed east to fish with Bgeary and his son. It was nice to fish off a boat with sides for a change. It was a good thing by the time we headed back to the dock.
We did alright, not great but had a good time. I don't know the area well but we were out past kelleys close to canada most of the day. Took me a minute and a quick lesson from Robert to set the lines and stuff.
Didn't seem like anything was real consistent, we got em on cranks, spoons, harnesses, mostly purples and greens.I messed up and forgot I wasn't fishing on my surfboard and tried bringing one in without a net. Didnt happen, he got to live to see another day and I got scolded by the skipper. Lol. No more of that!
Got pretty rough and we had to call it. It makes ya a little nervous when the guy driving the boat starts singing the theme song to "Gilligans Island ". LOL
All said, we had fun and caught some fish. Thanks again guys.