Fished west of Huron Saturday slow pick nice 2-man limit in 4 hours, 40 tt 40 back double willows pink or purple, the dipsey's 33 back on the 3 setting 30fow 4 fish o's nothing over 30 inches, threw back some nice eaters. Right away question.
you will like this one i was trolling saturday with big boards and a sail boat was approaching me from behind, i was going 1.4 with big boards the sail boat much faster, he almost ran me over I got on the radio and asked if he wanted me to go left or right I couldn't get out of the way I went to the left as the sail boat got closer he did a 180 What are the rules of the road, I know the sail boat has the right away but can you run someone over? With my big boards out I couldn't just gas it. I'm just glad he turned, that sail boat stayed in the area going back and forth in short passes, I'm guessing he didn't want to venture to far out in case of storms.