Anyone who says that it is illegal to continue fishing once you have a limit of walleye in the cooler isn't thinking too clearly.

If you have a limit of walleye then you can't keep anymore. Now if you want to argue culling... that is another story.

However, if the DNR checks me while I am out trolling and we have our limit of walleye... then obviously I am no longer fishing for walleye... I am fishing for white perch, sheephead, yellow perch, catfish and steelhead. Duh!

If I am fishing for sheephead and I catch a walleye is that illegal? No. As long as I don't keep the walleye.

There is no law that even remotely comes close to saying that once you catch your limit of one species then you are done fishing for ANY species the rest of the day.

There are MANY days where we have limited on Walleye, and then gone and anchored and perch fished.. While fishing for perch we caught a walleye. We threw it back. No laws where broken.

If I catch my limit of walleye through the ice and continue to fish, then its pretty obvious that I'm hoping for yellow perch now.