I normally would take what the ODNR had to say and be happy with it, but not this time.

The article headlines to me are at the very least misleading if not downright dishonest. Obviously those headlines are the opinion of the Toledo Blade and were written for whatever reason a journalist writes those things.

The first three paragraphs leaves more questions unanswered than were addressed. 1. When was the last testing done?
2. When was the last time the city of Toledo had a water crisis that was caused by a HAB (hazardous algae bloom), one so bad that they told residents not to use the water because of the high levels of toxins in it?
3. The state ODNR representative Jeff Tyson is speaking about research that took place in the past, the same past that testing of the city of Toledo's water supply indicated it was still safe to drink. He went on to say that there were no detectable levels in the fillets/meat when that testing was done. Just when was that testing done?

Paragraph 4 has some troubling statements in it when compared to the first 3 paragraphs. That is that there are presently more tests being done at the Ohio State University to determine if there is a problem. That tells me they are unsure themselves and are doing this test just to be sure, That is kind of like playing Offence and Defense both at the same time while assuring the public everything is OK with their official statements.

I find the statement about the fishes Liver the most troubling of all! The liver is the last place in the body where a substance(toxins in this case stop) passes through or could also accumulate in the body, they only accumulate there after they have traveled throughout the rest of the body and are headed for the hallway leading to the exit door located on the fishes underside.