Water out of Turtle is still very stained. Clarity out by the reefs was decent. Got on water around 7 am and made quick stop at Locust. Didn't see any netted although a lot of boats. Moved to Tousiant. Didn't see any netted there either. Moved to Crib and saw some being caught there. Didn't appear to be fast and furious for anyone with the exception of one boat. We watched them net fish after fish ( several doubles ). They were lowering rod tips to the water and raising them up to 12 o'clock. I'm pretty sure they were using blades, but didn't get close enough to see. Whatever they were doing they had every boat in the areas attention. Since I left my blades at home we tried every color jig in the box until we finally started catching some on white. Wasn't as fast for us but we did end up getting them. All jacks and most of them were milking. Caught them from 6' - 16' of water.