I have a 26 carver express and its only got an 8 foot beam, I'm having a hard time keeping it slow enough to troll at a nice speed even with bags, the boat will do 2.0mph all day long without having to fight with the bags but is that to fast for 40 jets and spoons or size 3dipsy's and harnesses? Rods are okuma cold waters rigged with 20lb braid and i use 6ft 100% floro leaders. Is that an ok setup? Im really new to trolling lake erie and the boat is new for me to, so im trying to dial it in, i usually try and hit 25-30fow over by west reef or north east of kellys but im only pulling one or two walleye all day when we go out, im not asking for hotspots or anything like that but anybody have suggestions about the speed, or speed/lure combo, or am i just that bad of luck? I even tried boards but that was a tangled disaster!