And no we weren't crappy fishing! Drove up Sat. morning to wind, wind, wind, cold and mud. Yeah that's a great start. Launched at Mazurick and ran to east side of Kellys to hid from the wind. Fished a mud line that had great marks but no takers.
Sunday launched from Catawba. Ran to Green/Rattle...crazy good marks. Screen was lit up like a Christmas tree with fish. Pulled one 29''er fairly early on one of my dad's custom cranks and thought we may be on to something. Turned out to be the only fish we caught.
Monday launched from Catawba again. Ran to D & E can area looking for clean water...notta. trolled for an hour with nothing. Ran to the reefs looking and wasn't inpressed. Wound up back at Green/Rattle. Same crazy good marks. Pulled a 20''er and a 29''er on the same custom crank. The weather was getting nicer by the minute but we had to leave at noon to head back home.
Sounds like the fish may have turned on later in the day. Story of my life.

If you all want to have a GREAT weekend go this coming weekend and I will gaurantee Fantastic weather and fishing because I woun't be there! Tight lines. ReelTime...or probably should be WrongTime!!!