Well? We got out. Went approx. 2.5 miles off shore to 24 FOW then out to 26 FOW. The shove ice was a challenge but we crossed it. Cut a swath through what could be chopped but had to portage Jet Sleds through approx. 100 yards of shove ice we could not chop down (too large). The fishing was a bit of a disappointment. We marked a lot of walleye but they would not take the baits. All of us either had Vexilar or Marcum electronics. Frustrating. We did end the day with 3 walleye. Another gentlemen west of us 150 yards had 4. But all in all a slow day. The ice was 6-7"'s and solid. We had no issues but we all traversed the ice by foot. One machine was cruising the shoreline as we walked in but none have gone out. There was at least 3 ice boats running around in the deeper water areas around Starve, Mouse Reef, and Green Island. A total of approx. 30 walkers.

The water clarity got worse the in the deeper water. Went back to 24 FOW from 26. Caught a couple more walleye out of our first holes.

That's my report. Honest and true.