I often wondered where in the hell all those boats were comming from, all day long, Charter boats, personal fishing boats, even those &#@%&@!# Personal water craft things came out of a cut in the far back corner of a little pond and they stayed to their left all the way untill they entered what was part of Lamberjacks Right of way and under the bridge to Turtle Point, Which is where the 1.7ft of water comes into play and then right as you leave the break walls it's shallow again, just about where you want to open the throttle to get up on plane, so the way I see it there are 3 marinas that could chip together (if someone would buy vinces place) Maybe find out if there is a little township or likewise funding for such causes? To get that area dredged, if not, there is going to be a lot of people mad if they can't come and go as they please. I would not be happy if I were paying for campsite,boatslip, gas to travel from home to camp site to find out I can't go fishing because I can't get out, to low of water, Guess we will have to drink beer all weekend can't take boat out!