Quote Originally Posted by BtweenShots View Post
I rec'd. the new smash shads and was quite impressed with the colors. I decided to start out with the dive curve for the SR7's and adjust for its size.
The hot tiger. looks to be a UV paint job or just missed its clear coat, and I maybe, should have opt'd for the next size up froms the 06's I chose. I am not one that has been one to believe that the bigger the better. or the larger bait the bigger the fish.

If size mattered then the J-7 Rapala would not be the great walleye catcher that it is. The eyes sure smash them they will probably eat those new Smash Shads also. I believe Rapala bought out storm several years ago, and I think they are both part of the Brunswick Group/Corp. Several of the Smash Shads are advertised as UV coated.