Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
Maybe next time!

My kid and I went out on Sunday afternoon, got the anchor dropped and had 6 in the box (I only keep them if they're 9" or larger, threw back a lot of smaller ones) within 30 mins.
Then I got the call...my wifes employer on Put In Bay had an emergency job and she needed my son and I to help so we had to cut our perch trip short. We did catch a few more before heading in though.

All wasn't lost...we finished at my wifes job about the time my daughter (who works at PIB also) got off work, had a nice family dinner at the new "Keys Restaruant". Then we boated back to Middle bass, got our boat tied up, and my son and I started to jig flies from our dock catching bluegill and little rock bass. Wasn't long before my wife and daughter grabbed poles and joined in, nice quiet evening (until one of us caught a fish!) at the marina just having fun!
I'm planning to go out Sat to fish for Perch

miami beach fishing