The Bug-O-meter was off the charts on Monday, as I sit her scratching another fly bite on my wrist. ugh! I took 4 young kids with me, my kids and the neighbor kid.
Fortunate for us, the Fish-O-meter was also cranking away.
We started trolling with the new trolling motor 2 miles Southwest of the Island. We trolled in a large circle all the way around the island clockwise and then to C-Can. The School of fish never seemed to end. Hook after hook at 20 feet. We set up with 2oz inline sinkers 35-40 back at about 2mph per the GPS. Crawler harnesses of any color worked. Spoons just caught white bass.
After about an hour of, ahem, "gentle" direction, we were able to stop chasing flies and run the program. The kids soon learned what fun it can be with 4 fish on at the same time
And on and on it went. All in all a good lesson for the boys and a reminder to me that I have alot of patience!