I'am new on the site as far as posting. I've been reading post for years and I thank all folks out here. I've been fishing this great lake since Ive been 8 yr old and now 46 yr old. I am from west side of Indy Indiana, in the summer I drive 268 miles one way, sometime twice a month go fishing on my boat. My wife and I, say on the boat 1 to 3 night while we fish. Ohio is making this very hard for people to fish and enjoy what this great sport is all about.The law that this States and along with other states as well keep come up with, is just be on crazy. This is america, is everthing about money and taking peoples rights away. Is Ohio, not what folks from out of state to fish .Come on you can'nt camp now with out labling your fish bags and lable it. People have to wonder all the time, if thing are done just perfict to the law or they might get a ticket. I just can't beleave that you have to know that much of the law about everthing right down the T MAKE SURE YOUR NOT TICKITED.Iam all for doing the right thing, and the bag limit. There alot of other things that big companys do to this great body of water and there permit they pay for to pollute the wate into this waters. And then keep coming after the little guy. Thanks for everyones time good luck and be safe on the big pond.