Quote Originally Posted by freddie View Post
Yes, its not looking good. It'll affect me and my future (22 years old)
When you have an inch or so of brownish green **** (I don't know how else to describe it ) floating on top of the water that sticks to your line and smells so bad that it will make you want to upchuck then you will know what the early to mid 60's was like, we used rags to wipe our line clean when retreiving our line/lures to keep that crap off of our reels. Please don't take me wrong as the entire lake was not covered but it was out there like large floating islands and we fished around them in the open areas between those floating algae islands, most often with poor results and after a blow there would be small patches of algae everywhere that were impossible to miss. We never gave up but we (my father and I) went fishless more often than not and I personally feel that it made all of us who fished hard in those times better walleye fishermen. I just hope they get a handle on this before it gets that bad again. I just wish that I could set down and look at you eye to eye to tell you these things so you would know how I feel and that I am wanting what is best for our lake and not posting a bunch of BS..