Yes, there are several choices out there with options that some will never or seldom use. Figure what you want to spend then get the best unit you can buy. Lowrance is what I use also, they came out with a new combo unit series. They are called the "Elite" series. Nice unit for the money. I have the HD series and its great for what I do. I prefer all color for ease of seeing what is what even from a short distance. Garmin has a few nice units also. Do the research since you have a few months before you need it. Do you already have a GPS ? Eagle is made by Lowrance if you didnt know, basically the same product. How much will you be using your boat is also a deciding factor. I wouldnt spend $1000 on a unit and only fish 4-5 times a year. Dont forget a good compass if your unit ever quits on ya while out there. Done that one already. I sent in my old non working unit to Lowrance and they sent me a nice discount off a new Lowrance unit. Just some food for thought. Good luck !