Took 6 between Niagra and D-can on Friday, lost several, Purple Parrot copper blank Jr Streak spoon by wolverine tackle took 5 of them also several shorts 4 of which were 10" or less. Speed was 2.1 Gps for spoons and 1.8 for harness which caught 1, the leads were 45 to 50 feet back with #40 jet divers on small boards. No particular direction as fish bit all directions of travel.

The may fly hatch has been awesome this year with 13 abc Toledo weather radar showing huge masses of mayflys that look like a heavy rain on radar on the 11 oclock news for the last 4 nights. They were thick in the lawn at my camper this morning.

There were a ton of fish in that area on Friday and some friends caught limits and near limits Sat and Sun. there trolling spoons, with Pink Panties being mentioned as a hot color for several of them, I could not get out over the wk end due to prior plans.