Started out of channel with 3 to 5 ft. waves out of northeast,
set up troll between red and white and west sister, trolled east
toward west sister about mile south of island, all by ourself mark
school after school of fish, 40 jets 50 ft. back yeager bomb
spoon only thing that work, trolled 4 hours, 7 walleyes, 1 throw
back and one surprise a 25 inch 5lb. steelhead, plus over twenty
five sheepheads two of which were fish ohio, waves build to
six to 8 ft, dieciede to drift, used pumpkin balls 3 ounce, 3 ft
leaders orange hammer blades, 2 more walleyes, countless
sheephead, and lost one walleye around 5 to6 lbs couldn't net
because of waves, also had two break our lines don't know what they were, thunderstorm came in had to quite, for the weekend, Men the ladies out fished us with largest walleyes
and the bounus steelhead. Reel Sport is taking walk on charters for Sat. only, bait and tackle supplied, Call 419 265
2736 Capt. Mike, Happy fathers DAY TO ALL THE DADS,
Capt. Mike, and Wayne, Reel Sport Charters