Lots of great info here guys. I do troll using worm harnesses unless there is a good drift (which I prefer like others to feel the bite, give a little and bam set the hook). However, I don't think I'm getting into the right water column. I'll usually run an inline planer for mine and my buddies are lazy and just flat line off the back with a 2 oz bottom bouncer or inline 2 oz weight. One thing I haven't really done is use a Jet or Dipsey with harness so I'll give that a shot next time up. I have a Jet 40, so if I'm fishing in 35' water, and want to target those 12'-20' feeding fish, would that equate to about 65' back of the board to reach this depth? Also have a dipsey but haven't really used it. I lost the paperwork that came with it describing the depth it reaches and how much line to put out - I'll go find one on the internet and print it off...

Are most of you trolling in the mid-water column area or are you trying to get close to the bottom? I know, depends on where you are marking fish, but if the active fish are only 10 ft down, you'll never mark them anyway...