6/14-6/15 6/14-6/15 6/14-6/15 6/14-6/15
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Thread: 6/14-6/15

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
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    Default 6/14-6/15

    Came up Friday afternoon. Started about 5:00 pm. Fished between rattlesnake, and middle bass pulling harnesses target speed was 2mph. The wind however made a constant speed unattainable. The bite was actually pretty good, but lots of shorts. Sheep, and cats mixed in to keep me busy. The wind forced me off the water by 8:00pm ended up with 4 keepers all 16-18 nothing big.

    Saturday I was waiting for the wind to die down, so I didn’t get out till 10:30. Fought wind, and waves all day. Stated same spot as yesterday. Water was horrible with the blow. Fish finder was almost useless with everything suspended in the water. Looked like a full screen bait ball! Tried everything. Harnesses, spoons, cranks. Moved all over, but still nothing. Finally moved the east point of middle bass. Not comfortable when I got there with the north wind, and running east to west along the shoal. Around 5:00 the wind was down, the lake laid down, and the fish turned on. Btw much cleaner water over there. Back to harness. I had not put anything in the box by 4:00pm. 4:00-6:00 got a limit of better fish 18-22 with one barely legal that swallowed. A bunch of shorts. A couple farm, and cat. Also caught my best walleye of the season! I had to squeeze the tail a bit, but got across the 29” line. He got to swim another day. Heading out now Sunday morning. Might be a short day. Weather buoy showing bigger waves than yesterday, but supposed to calm down until noon then pick back up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Columbus Ohio
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    Default Re: 6/14-6/15

    Good report. Way to hang in there until you found the right location and conditions. That East Point of Middle Bass (Lucy's Point) can be great sometimes.
    "Lucky Luna" Channel 68
    SeaRay Amberjack 290
    Twin Mag 350s/v-drives
    Simrad NSX 12
    Simrad AP44 Autopilot
    FishHawk X2

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