Thank you for sharing, Gobucks. Wife and I were out in the same area, between the monument and Kelly's, pulling Bandits in 45' of water heading NE with the (small) waves. We fished 1:30-4:30 and put 6 hogs in livewell, none milking or visibly full of eggs. We lost two that managed to get unhooked on the way in. Best leads were 40-55 unassisted. Caught nothing deep. Water was much clearer than I expected - was able to see the prop pretty easily. RC Crush and Seasick Frog were by far the best producers. Nothing on chromes. I was running much slower, 1.1-1.6 so perhaps I should have been going faster. I know that generally you want to troll with the current, which hopefully is the same as the waves. Yesterday, it seemed the current was going in a direction different than the waves but I couldn't be certain and didn't find a pattern that triggered them to bite. If anyone wants to share how we should be thinking about the current vs. waves when trolling in a 20' boat I'm all ears.