I problem Don.

Tuesday found a pocket east of Huron and it went crazy with 24-26” fish. Only pattern was 1.1 on the hawk and under 60 on leads. At one point we had 7 fish on our 8 rod spread. Ended up having to toss 5 back. Once we got our limit, about half was back I overheated. Altinator bracket broke. Late night but we got it fixed thanks to the Northwood location of my company.

Wednesday the chit show was on. I could do anything right in the morning. By the time my buddy had 14. I had 2. Finally pull my head out and managed 15 before the waves picked up.

All in all, 2023 trip was not as bounty as the last year but we made it happen. Had a lot of fun. A lot of challenges but we did good. Still no 30”er for me but that will come.

Juls, I’m sorry we couldn’t hook up to give you some goodies. There’s always next year.

Thanks and ho get them, there turning on now!