Hoping to get some insight into Sep, Oct, Nov fishing for walleye in the western basin.

Does walleye fishing generally pick back up anywhere between Huron and Port Clinton in these months? Looking at an intereting YouTube video found at https://youtu.be/-DWKfXwmnZQ , it appears that they begin bunching back up west in Nov and Dec.

I know that the Huron pier is a popular destination for walleye fishermen in late Nov (rattletraps always worked well) but I am not a fan of fishing arm-in-arm with others along the pier. While the fish can be large, in my opinion there are too many lines crossed and the fish taste a bit oily as they have been feasting on shad.

I plan to boat fish until the end of Oct so I am hoping that some fall hot spots might be shared. Nothing like eye-fishing while listening to fall football on the radio! As mentioned in a prior post, I am just returning to the area (Sandusky) after being away for the past 25 yrs. Great memories of fishing with my family for walleye and perch. Looking forward to many fish fries for the next 20. Thanks!