Not many posts from this weekend so I will add my report from Saturday 8-13.

Out of Huron River about 6:10am and headed toward the dump that is NNE about 12 miles out. Stopped way before getting there in 42FOW. Set up my trolling line toward the dump. Had two #1 dipsy divers out. One on setting zero 80' back produced fish. Other set on 3 130' back. Fish were deep. Wonderbread was hot early for I put wonderbread on both Dipsys. Put another dipsy out on setting 3 with a shallow bandit. It caught one fish. Changed to a deep bandit (sun spot) 2oz weight at 50' + another 120'. It caught one. I ended up bringing in 6 walleye and stopped fishing around 10:00am. I probably caught 6 to 8 shorts and a few sheephead. Speed was 2.5 to 3.0.
6 fish kept were about 16" to 18"

Driving back home I went rt6 along the lake and I always see quite a few boats out off Vermilion probably a few miles offshore. I figure that is about 30ish FOW. Curious how the catching is over there.