We went out at 11:00 thinking the hot bite yesterday would still be on. Wrong! It was a slow grind between 11:00 and 3:00. Nothing would produce for us but to run the small Stinger spoons a couple feet off the bottom at 2.7 mph in 45 ft of water. It was a slow slog with 5 or 6 sheep or shorts to every small keeper.

At 3 it clouded over and the fish turned on. We had more keepers between 3:00 and 4:00 than 11:00 to 3:00. We ended with our 12 of 18 to 21 inchers, almost all coming in that last hour.

White was our best color again today. When the clouds came out the bite was 30 to 35 down over 45 ft of water. Our speed also increased to 3 mph.