Fished this morning, Friday July 1st,with my buddy John.Since both had our Canadian licenses,headed north over the line.Started off with 2 dipseys with a purple/pink willow worm harness and a green spoon harness.Also had out two bandits on inline boards.Checked deeper water off king George and saw some marks so set out the gear and headed downwind.Caught a 21" fish on the harness 45 lead on 3 setting and a 24" fish on carrot top bandit at 80 lead.Trolled up to chickinole and turned around.Caught those two fish in first 30 min then could not catch any more off the reefs.
Headed east to deeper water and found better marks.Took a while but caught our third fish on the harness at 85 on 3 setting.Caught one more on the carrot top bandit at 150 w 2oz weight.The harness caught again at 85 and I proceeded to switch to 4 dipseys with 3 harnesses and a wonderbread spoon harness.The bite really picked up and we started sorting through some smaller fish.Was fishing in 35-44 fow and speed was around 2.5 mph.Caught only one short and one sheepshead Our 12 weighed 37 lbs at cleaners with biggest 26".Threw back another dozen legal fish.The wind also kept the bugs and flies away too.Was bumpy early but lake laid down some for ride home.