I fish for chinook salmon that way in the Pacific NW off Port Angeles, WA. In over 40 years of salmon fishing, I have found that the stronger the wind, the higher the salmon will migrate towards the surface. Almost always, a 1 oz pearl white Crippled Herring, or Kandlefish, metal jig will be deadly under these wind conditions. The trick is to cast directly upwind so that your line remains taut at all times. This results in three main strike-triggering lure actions...1) Strong sideways darting action with hydrosonic vibration; 2) The tight line keeps the lure near surface with a slower fall rate and creates better hook sets on the strike; 3) The tight line causes more flash in combination with a wider darting swing as compared to a loose line that causes the lure to drop faster. You want that lure to stay near the surface. Drifting is a more natural presentation than trolling. But, each works. Capt. Pete