Really great second trip today with a crew from the buckey terminals in toledo. JR and his crew did a great job reeling in their limits of walleye today and I reeled in my other 3 as well as a bonus steel head. It was a Gorgeous day on the lake this afternoon perfect weather. I have chosen to stay fishing out of the Lorain to vermillion area now for a few reasons. First the fishing is very stable and consistent and should stay that way for 2 months. Second there is way less boat traffic. The island area just flat has too many boats. The other day it was calm but seemed like I was fishing in 4’ waves just from boat wakes. That just isn’t a good time to me. I do not like bumper boat fishing so hence the move.. we ran bandits and flicker 11’s 120-60 back and dipsy 1-40, 3-50 with stinger and badmo spoons. A 2.8 mph over 40-45’ of water off beaver.
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