Quote Originally Posted by Jeff J View Post
First post here.... usually I'm fishing solo, and legally only being able to have 3 lines in the water, I typically have a line off each side of the boat and one in the middle. Dont even use line counters and use spinning reels only, make the cast and get them between 40 and 80 ft out, sometimes more depending on what results are telling me. I usually have different lengths out and assess from there. No I dont cover as much area, but when I mark the fish, i know i getting the baits in their face. The only problem i have with this is on occasion getting a line tangled when a bait isn't running true.

If I have another person on board, I also run lines off the front of the boat as well. With a motor on the front of the boat, there are no worries about getting a line caught in the motor. Its nice because each person can set up their "side" of the boat the way they like, one up front, on in the back, and one up the middle.

What I'm curious about is anyone else fishing like this, even on occasion? Its nice because its quick to set up and quick to change spots if necessary. Can't say what I'm doing is orthodox, I know its not, but I generally don't have an issue getting fish or even limits for that matter.
I do that quite often, especially with harnesses. I run heavier in-line sinkers off the front, then lighter ones off the back, with one board out on each side. I wrote an article a while back that covers this very topic. Here is a link to it:Article: Crankbaits, harnesses or spoons, which option should I choose
– Slimshady Customs

Another option would be to run Size 0 Dipsey divers off the front on a 3 setting and then in-line sinkers, jets or mini-discs straight off the back. Jets would be good because when you slow down they rise, while the dipseys sink, so they should not tangle and it gives the fish different looks. If you wanted to add 2 more lines, you could run a second pair of dipseys on a 1 setting in the middle or run one set of boards out. You could run shallow diving cranks, spoons or even harnesses off of the jets or dipseys. Keep in mind that those things all work best at different speeds, so I wouldn't suggest running them at the same time.