What an awesome report! Keep them coming!

Two thoughts on two often-recurring topics that you addressed, often nagging all of us: overcrowding, and the harvest of pre-spawn females.

Overcrowding is a fact of life in today’s reality. While good manners (keeping your middle finger in your pocket) always seems to be the responsibility of the first boat “on the spot on the spot”, nobody likes to be squeezed off “your fish” that “you found”. That said, we all help each other out ALL THE TIME. This site is a great example. So, if we post that we caught fish in the South Channel, can we really be upset when people show up the next day? No! Let’s celebrate other peoples success that was based on our success. These are not “our” fish. Or else, never talk to anyone at the ramp.

Second, last November my partner and I boated our limit 3 days in a row off Huron. Cleaning them, most had early developing egg sacs. Kinda figured that, but who knew? Point is, taking those fish in November vs. the following March made no difference. They’re out of the gene pool. Unless we release everything over the size of an average adult male, everyone is guilty of the same crime of removing breeding females. Doesn’t matter when it happens.

I’m sure this post will generate plenty of chatter, and that may be good for all of us.

Just my 2cents.

Keep safe, and thinking, out there.