I have a question before we get into the season. We all know how trolling has boomed over the last 10 years. It seems it’s all Lake Erie walleye fishing folks talk about, except for the spring jig fishing. My question to all is why has trolling become the “catch all” (pun intended) method for Lake Erie walleye fishing? My question isn’t about why or how trolling works, so comments and lectures from experienced trollers about why trolling works aren’t what I’m looking for here. I want to know why so many people ignore drift fishing and go immediately to trolling.
We all know why trolling works. You can keep the bait (lure) in the fish zone. You can control the lure speed. You can cover more area (mostly because you have a wider swath of baits out). Etc. Put two people with equal experience out fishing, one trolling and one drift fishing, and yes the troller generally will be more successful. But is trolling necessary all the time, or most of the time?

We’re hearing more and more about problems arising because there are too many trollers in an area. Trolling requires a lot more room to fish and when you have a lot of boats moving around with restrictions on maneuverability and often distracted, it’s bound to cause some problems, especially when we’re getting more of them and they are fishing the same area as folks drift fishing.

I talked with two experienced Lake fishermen who almost exclusively drift fish. One doesn’t even have trolling equipment. They told me about 75% of the time they do as well or nearly as well as trollers. On some days it may take them longer to get a limit. But overall they are nearly as successful in putting fish in the cooler. It’s only on those ‘tough days’ that the trollers get significantly more fish. I’m talking about people with equal fishing talent / ability.

My major question is why go thru all the trolling setup and operation if at least 50-75% of the time it’s not really necessary? Drift fishing is a lot easier and, I’m sure most would agree more fun. Again, not talking about those days were fishing is tough and no question trolling catches more walleye.
