Got Goldies at Hi Way Bait as they and all the other bait shops had no shiners. They told me that the Head boats were limiting out at D can on Monday. My daughter and I left West Harbor and headed over to the C, D and E can area. When we got closer to the firing range, three head boats and a handful of boats were just SE of D can. Settled down and the head boats were pulling pretty steady. Took us a half hour to get started, but we had pretty steady action for a couple of hours. WE had small and medium sheephead, some white perch, and an big variety of small, medium and large yellow perch. I was really busy with baiting and unhooking fish for my daughter. My daughter was getting stripped pretty quickly, so we cut those goldens in half, and that seemed to turn the fish on. Strange bite in that some hits were soft and a tap or two, where some of the bites were just like a 5 lb largemouth. Nice day of the water even if we just had a dozen keepers.