Quote Originally Posted by BlackmetalIron View Post
Well…it was interesting. Thanks for the advice. Hit limits both days with the biggest being 24”. On my last day fishing I was T boned at an intersection. My boat was totaled. My truck has so far run up at least $15,000 in damage. My driver side door was struck at approximately 60mph according to police. My truck and boat were pushed 431 feet into a field. I was unconscious and don’t remember any of it. I’m alive but uh pretty bashed up. I’m back in west Michigan now. My boat and all my fishing equipment is still down there uh…somewhere. So I’ll be headed back once I can drive to recover my gear out of the boat. It’ll be at least a month before my truck is ready to get picked up. So overall it was memorable trip. I’ll definitely be back to fish again. But probably not until next year ya know…since I don’t have a boat, or truck or ya know…gear. Lol I’m glad to be alive. Glad to have some fish to show for my trip. Thanks for all the advice!
Boy, that was one heck of a deal there... Glad you did well on the fishing part, but thank goodness you are in good enough shape to fish another day after that encounter! That was a close call. We can always get more trucks and boats but life and health are precious!
Quite a memorable trip for sure..