Beautiful day on the water yesterday. Fished about 5 miles east of Kelley's just a tick east of the pack. 44 FOW per Garmin. Didn't get out until 8:00 or so. Trolled 1 rod with a dipsey and a gold spoon 65 back. Lost a nice one at the net on the dipsey but no further spoon action. Chrome and Blue Bandit on second rod caught most of the fish. 3 oz weight 50 back then a total of 165 feet of line. One very nice one bumping up against 30 inches. Took a while to bring that one in! Caught the rest on a Fire Tiger Bandit with a 3 oz weight 50 back and 150 feet total. Lost several dipseys last year before learning on this forum that I needed heavier line. 20# braid worked great.