Last spring spinal surgery and covid so boat never left storage. This spring diagnosed at Easter with rare auto immune disease. Suffering 6 weeks of double vision, vertigo, and weakness. So boat once again lonely in storage

So great day yesterday when fishing buddy drove me to lake and to get out on his boat. Started about 2 pm. Very light breeze so put his kicker on idle and dragged bottom bouncers with harness and long lines with weight forwards and at same time cast weight forwards. Picked up quickly 4-5 smaller keepers and lots of shorts and white perch. Wind died, sun came out. Bite slowed.

About 4 wind picked up, clouded, nice 1 foot chop. Fish turned on, much better grade, 19 - 23 inch fish, in no time was within 2. Then took a while to find Homer and missus but they were dandy’s when we found them

Finished with two man limit and nice grade over all. Most all caught slow retrieve near bottom. Mostly west and se of A can 24 feet water. Threw back lots of shorts and monster white perch

Beautiful day out there and great tonic for this beat up body. It’s why we call it fishing and not catching