Quote Originally Posted by slimshady View Post
I like the idea, however, I am afraid it could also drive you crazy at the same time. All I know is that whenever I end up as part of a group text, my phone blows up for the next hour or so, until I have to mute it. Ideally, there needs to be an easy way to turn the notifications on or off, depending on your status. If I am fishing, I want the notifications. However, if I am sleeping, I don't want my phone blowing up at 6am when other guys are out fishing. I will give it some thought, as I am in the software/technology business. There has to be another way to do this.
An app probably exists, but I am not pushing apps. I don’t even like apps. There are now five text lists, 100 fishermen/women are getting info everyday to help them have a better catch. You’re right about the crazy, so I added forty more phone numbers today. The lists are self-sustaining once created.